Here are the general guidelines for our open reading periods:

Gigantic Sequins accepts all genres of writing. Gigantic Sequins also accepts black & white art in any medium except photography. See specific guidelines for each category below. We accept simultaneous submissions under the condition that the contributor lets us know immediately if the work has been accepted elsewhere. If you need only to withdraw a part of your submission but not the whole, detailed instructions for a partial withdraw can be found here. Proofread your work prior to submission. Please only submit once per submission period--in one genre. 

Gigantic Sequins retains First Serial rights to publish the accepted material. After publication, all rights revert back to the author. We pay in one copy of the journal your work appears in.

Please visit our website for FAQ, advice on submitting to us, & more.


Flash Fiction Judge:
Aram Mrjoian is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rumpus and a 2022 Creative Armenia – AGBU Fellow. His debut novel, Waterline, will be published by Harper Via in 2025. Find his work at

Submission Information:

  • You may submit up to three works of flash fiction. Please put all three in the same file attachment.
  • GS defines flash fiction as works of 1000 words/less. Poetry may be of any length.
  • If you wish to submit more, do so again with an additional $6.00 fee/3 works
  • Please do not put your name anywhere in the attached file containing your work or your submission will be void.
  • Previously published work is not eligible. If your work has appeared in a "story" format via social media, however, we do not consider this to be previously published. If you work appeared online via your own personal blog or personal social and has since been deleted, we do not consider this to be previously published.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted and, if accepted elsewhere, must be withdrawn using the Submittable system ASAP. We do not prefer simultaneous submissions to our contests but do allow them. Do not withdraw your entire submission unless all work included has been accepted elsewhere.


  • $100.00
  • Publication in GS 16 (June/July 2025)

About the Judging Process: The Gigantic Sequins editors will select finalists from the contest entries. ​Our judges will choose the winners from those batches. Winners and finalists will be announced no later than September 2024. Do not query until October, please.

Sponsorship Information

  • We are offering sponsorship program for our contests. If you would like to receive a sponsorship code if there is one available, fill out this form. GS is funding 15 entries to BIPOC &/or trans writers. Those in financial need and/or any BIPOC &/or trans writers who apply once we've awarded those 15 will get codes as sponsorships come in. Codes will be sent at our editors' earliest convenience and as they become available. The linked form above will be deactivated a week before the contests end.
  • If you would like to sponsor a specific writer, please pay that writer directly.
  • If you would like to sponsor any writer who has applied to be a sponsee, you can do so when you enter via Submittable. 
  • If you want to provide sponsorship funds but do not want to enter the contest, please email us.

Further Info

  • All entries and payments must be received through the Gigantic Sequins Submittable site unless you have a disability that prevents you from interacting with the Submittable interface; then, we will accept submissions via email. If this is you, please email us your entry during the open contest period, and we will coordinate payment from there.
  • Friends, family, and students (current and former) of the judges are not eligible. Please do not submit if you know the judges personally or if they might recognize your work.
  • All contest entries will be considered for publication in our next issue, GS 16, debuting in 2024

Poetry Judge:
Jenny Sadre-Orafaiis the author of Paper Cotton Leather, Malak, and Dear Outsiders and is the co-author of Book of Levitations. A new edition of Malak, her second poetry collection, will be published by the University of Akron Press in 2024. Her prose has appeared in The RumpusFourteen HillsThe Los Angeles ReviewThe Collagist, and others. She co-founded and co-editsJosephine Quarterlyand teaches creative writing at Kennesaw State University.

Submission Information:

  • You may submit up to three poems of any length. Please put all three in the same file attachment.
  • If you wish to submit more, do so again with an additional $6.00 fee/3 works.
  • Please do not put your name anywhere in the attached file containing your work or your submission will be void.
  • Previously published work is not eligible. If your work has appeared in a "story" format via social media, however, we do not consider this to be previously published. If your work appeared online via your own personal blog or personal social and has since been deleted, we do not consider this to be previously published.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted and, if accepted elsewhere, must be withdrawn using the Submittable system ASAP. We do not prefer simultaneous submissions to our contests but do allow them. Do not withdraw your entire submission unless all work included has been accepted elsewhere.


  • $100.00
  • Publication in GS 16 (Summer 2025)

About the Judging Process: The Gigantic Sequins editors will select finalists from the contest entries. ​Our judges will choose the winners from those batches. Winners and finalists will be announced no later than September 2024. Do not query until October, please.

Sponsorship Information

  • We are offering sponsorship program for our contests. If you would like to receive a sponsorship code if there is one available, fill out this form. GS is funding 15 entries to BIPOC &/or trans writers. Those in financial need and/or any BIPOC &/or trans writers who apply once we've awarded those 15 will get codes as sponsorships come in. Codes will be sent at our editors' earliest convenience and as they become available. The linked form above will be deactivated a week before the contests end.
  • If you would like to sponsor a specific writer, please pay that writer directly.
  • If you would like to sponsor any writer who has applied to be a sponsee, you can do so when you enter via Submittable.
  • If you want to provide sponsorship funds but do not want to enter the contest, please email us.

Further Info

  • All entries and payments must be received through the Gigantic Sequins Submittable site unless you have a disability that prevents you from interacting with the Submittable interface; then, we will accept submissions via email. If this is you, please email us your entry during the open contest period, and we will coordinate payment from there.
  • Friends, family, and students (current and former) of the judges are not eligible. Please do not submit if you know the judges personally or if they might recognize your work.
  • All contest entries will be considered for publication in our next issue, GS 16, debuting in 2025.

Sponsorship Information

This form is for sponsored entries only. If you do not have a sponsorship code, please use this form here to obtain one if you are eligible and one is available, or you may enter via our 13th Annual Flash Fiction Contest form with your $6 fee.

Flash Fiction Judge
Aram Mrjoian is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rumpus and a 2022 Creative Armenia – AGBU Fellow. His debut novel, Waterline, will be published by Harper Via in 2025. Find his work at

Submission Information:

  • You may submit up to three works of flash fiction. Please put all three in the same file attachment.
  • GS defines flash fiction as works of 1000 words/less. 
  • If you wish to submit more, do so again with an additional $6.00 fee/3 works
  • Please do not put your name anywhere in the attached file containing your work or your submission will be void.
  • Previously published work is not eligible. If your work has appeared in a "story" format via social media, however, we do not consider this to be previously published. If you work appeared online via your own personal blog or personal social and has since been deleted, we do not consider this to be previously published.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted and, if accepted elsewhere, must be withdrawn using the Submittable system ASAP. We do not prefer simultaneous submissions to our contests but allow them. Do not withdraw your entire submission unless all work included has been accepted elsewhere.


  • $100.00
  • Publication in GS 16 (June/July 2025)

About the Judging Process: The Gigantic Sequins editors will select finalists from the contest entries. ​Our judges will choose the winners from those batches. Winners and finalists will be announced no later than September 2024. Do not query until October, please.

Additional Sponsorship Information

  • We are offering sponsorship program for our contests. If you would like to receive a sponsorship code if there is one available, fill out this form. GS is funding 15 entries to BIPOC &/or trans writers. Those in financial need and/or any BIPOC &/or trans writers who apply once we've awarded those 15 will get codes as sponsorships come in. Codes will be sent at our editors' earliest convenience and as they become available. The linked form at the top of the page will be deactivated a week before the contests end.
  • If you would like to sponsor a specific writer, please pay that writer directly. If you have been paid directly, please use our 13th Annual Flash Fiction Contest form & pay the $6 fee with the $ you've been paid directly rather than entering here.
  • If you would like to sponsor any writer who has applied to be a sponsee, you can do so when you enter via Submittable. We will donate to this a non-profit extra sponsorship money to if we get more sponsors than sponsees.
  • If you want to provide sponsorship funds but do not want to enter the contest, please email us.

Additional General Info

  • All entries and payments must be received through the Gigantic Sequins Submittable site unless you have a disability that prevents you from interacting with the Submittable interface; then, we will accept submissions via email. If this is you, please email us your entry during the open contest period, and we will coordinate payment from there.
  • Friends, family, and students (current and former) of the judges are not eligible. Please do not submit if you know the judges personally or if they might recognize your work.
  • All contest entries will be considered for publication in our next issue, GS 16, debuting in 2025.

Sponsorship Information

This form is for sponsored entries only. If you do not have a sponsorship code, please use this form here to obtain one if you are eligible and one is available, or you may enter via our 13th Annual Poetry Contest form with your $6 fee.

Poetry Judge

Jenny Sadre-Orafaiis the author of Paper Cotton Leather, Malak, and Dear Outsiders and is the co-author of Book of Levitations. A new edition of Malak, her second poetry collection, will be published by the University of Akron Press in 2024. Her prose has appeared in The RumpusFourteen HillsThe Los Angeles ReviewThe Collagist, and others. She co-founded and co-editsJosephine Quarterlyand teaches creative writing at Kennesaw State University.

 Submission Information:

  • You may submit up to three works of poetry. Please put all three in the same file attachment.
  • Poetry entries can be of any length per piece.
  • If you wish to submit more, do so again with an additional $6.00 fee/3 works
  • Please do not put your name anywhere in the attached file containing your work or your submission will be void.
  • Previously published work is not eligible. If your work has appeared in a "story" format via social media, however, we do not consider this to be previously published. If you work appeared online via your own personal blog or personal social and has since been deleted, we do not consider this to be previously published.
  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted and, if accepted elsewhere, must be withdrawn using the Submittable system ASAP. We do not prefer simultaneous submissions to our contests but allow them. Do not withdraw your entire submission unless all work included has been accepted elsewhere.


  • $100.00
  • Publication in GS 16 (June/July 2025)

About the Judging Process: The Gigantic Sequins editors will select finalists from the contest entries. ​Our judges will choose the winners from those batches. Winners and finalists will be announced no later than September 2024. Do not query until October, please.

 Additional Sponsorship Information

  • We are offering sponsorship program for our contests. If you would like to receive a sponsorship code if there is one available, fill out this form. GS is funding 15 entries to BIPOC &/or trans writers. Those in financial need and/or any BIPOC &/or trans writers who apply once we've awarded those 15 will get codes as sponsorships come in. Codes will be sent at our editors' earliest convenience and as they become available. The linked form at the top of the page will be deactivated a week before the contests end.
  • If you would like to sponsor a specific writer, please pay that writer directly. If you have been paid directly, please use our 13th Annual Poetry Contest form & pay the $6 fee with the $ you've been paid directly rather than entering here.
  • If you would like to sponsor any writer who has applied to be a sponsee, you can do so when you enter via Submittable. We will donate to this a non-profit extra sponsorship money to if we get more sponsors than sponsees.
  • If you want to provide sponsorship funds but do not want to enter the contest, please email us.

Additional General Info

  • All entries and payments must be received through the Gigantic Sequins Submittable site unless you have a disability that prevents you from interacting with the Submittable interface; then, we will accept submissions via email. If this is you, please email us your entry during the open contest period, and we will coordinate payment from there.
  • Friends, family, and students (current and former) of the judges are not eligible. Please do not submit if you know the judges personally or if they might recognize your work.
  • All contest entries will be considered for publication in our next issue, GS 16, debuting in 2025.


Ends on

2024 Submission Guidelines

  1. 2 poems should be uploaded to the Teen Sequins Submittable page. Poems should be grouped in a single file with section breaks between each. *Please do not paste poems in the cover letter area of the form OR share them as a Google .doc or in a Google drive. These formats automatically disqualify your submission. 
  2. You must be between the ages of 14-18 to submit to this feature.
  3. For the title of your submission, please put your age and location. In the cover letter area, provide a brief bio (info of your choosing, up to 100 words, including your pronouns if you wish). We also love to hear how you heard about Teen Sequins!
  4. Submissions CLOSE on September 15th, 2024
  5. If you are wondering about our guidelines / requirements about previously published work - please thoroughly read the FAQ! Selected poems will be featured on the Gigantic Sequins blog this upcoming Fall.

*IMPORTANT* Files must be at least 300 dpi. Artists should consider that gigantic sequins is a 6'' by 7'' black and white publication. Please specify the size of the art/comics in inches on the page. If it is larger than 6'' by 7'' & we choose to print your work, we will readjust to fit the page; otherwise, we will print it at the size specified. If you have any questions, email us before submitting. The most common issue that we see are works that are not scanned at a high enough resolution to be printed clearly. Click here for more info on scanning.

Please upload 5-20 previously unpublished blank & white works of art. Please submit at least 5 pieces, as we generally feature only 1-3 artists per issue.

We also accept up to 5 comics per artist. We love comics, but please be aware of the dimensions of our journal.

Gigantic Sequins accepts simultaneous submissions as long as the artist lets us know immediately if their work has been accepted elsewhere. Artwork should not be in print elsewhere, but can be available at galleries or on the artist's personal website. We retain first serial rights that convert to the artist immediately upon publication. 

Gigantic Sequins does not print photography. Gigantic Sequins will print any other printable black & white artistic medium. Please specify your medium in the space available for a cover letter.

Gigantic Sequins