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Here are the general guidelines for our open reading periods:

Gigantic Sequins accepts all genres of writing. Gigantic Sequins also accepts black & white art in any medium except photography. See specific guidelines for each category below. We accept simultaneous submissions under the condition that the contributor lets us know immediately if the work has been accepted elsewhere. If you need only to withdraw a part of your submission but not the whole, detailed instructions for a partial withdraw can be found here. Proofread your work prior to submission. Please only submit once per submission period--in one genre. 

Gigantic Sequins retains First Serial rights to publish the accepted material. After publication, all rights revert back to the author. We pay in one copy of the journal your work appears in.

Please visit our website for FAQ, advice on submitting to us, & more.

*IMPORTANT* Files must be at least 300 dpi. Artists should consider that gigantic sequins is a 6'' by 7'' black and white publication. Please specify the size of the art/comics in inches on the page. If it is larger than 6'' by 7'' & we choose to print your work, we will readjust to fit the page; otherwise, we will print it at the size specified. If you have any questions, email us before submitting. The most common issue that we see are works that are not scanned at a high enough resolution to be printed clearly. Click here for more info on scanning.

Please upload 5-20 previously unpublished blank & white works of art. Please submit at least 5 pieces, as we generally feature only 1-3 artists per issue.

We also accept up to 5 comics per artist. We love comics, but please be aware of the dimensions of our journal.

Gigantic Sequins accepts simultaneous submissions as long as the artist lets us know immediately if their work has been accepted elsewhere. Artwork should not be in print elsewhere, but can be available at galleries or on the artist's personal website. We retain first serial rights that convert to the artist immediately upon publication. 

Gigantic Sequins does not print photography. Gigantic Sequins will print any other printable black & white artistic medium. Please specify your medium in the space available for a cover letter.

Gigantic Sequins