Teen Sequins

Ends on

2024 Submission Guidelines

  1. 2 poems should be uploaded to the Teen Sequins Submittable page. Poems should be grouped in a single file with section breaks between each. *Please do not paste poems in the cover letter area of the form OR share them as a Google .doc or in a Google drive. These formats automatically disqualify your submission. 
  2. You must be between the ages of 14-18 to submit to this feature.
  3. For the title of your submission, please put your age and location. In the cover letter area, provide a brief bio (info of your choosing, up to 100 words, including your pronouns if you wish). We also love to hear how you heard about Teen Sequins!
  4. Submissions CLOSE on September 15th, 2024
  5. If you are wondering about our guidelines / requirements about previously published work - please thoroughly read the FAQ! Selected poems will be featured on the Gigantic Sequins blog this upcoming Fall.
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.